Assumption of Risk Liability Waiver and Release
Agreements of Release and Waiver of Liability for Participation in Kindle Soulfire with One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co.
1. I am or will be participating in a private wellness event and/or other herbal or wellness activities (collectively, the “Programs”) offered by One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co, during which I will receive educational information about herbs and wellness. These classes may entail tasting or consuming herbs and physical activity. I am fully aware of and accept the risks involved. I choose to voluntarily participate in the Programs, and by participating, assume full responsibility for all risks.
2. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my healthcare practitioner prior to and regarding my participation in the Programs offered by One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co, and to receive prior approval to participate. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition or injury, which would prevent my full participation in the Programs. I assume full responsibility for my participation.
3. I understand that One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co are not medical professionals and that any information pertaining to health, herbs, and wellness offered by the above parties, any guest teachers or other participants, does not constitute actual medical advice. I agree to not act on any information without first consulting with my Physician.
4. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Programs, I agree to assume all full responsibility for any risks, conditions, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur or aggravate as a result of my participating in the same.
5. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the Programs, I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly waive any claim I may have or acquire against One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co., or their agents, tenants, landlords, managers, employees, or host site for any injury, condition or damages that I may sustain as a result of entering or being on the premises or participating in the Programs.
6. I, my heirs or legal representatives, forever release, waive, discharge, hold harmless and covenant not to sue One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co, or their agents, tenants, landlords, managers, employees, or host site for any condition, injury to my person, death, or damage or loss to my property, which arises, is caused by or is aggravated by reason of my participation in the Programs.
7. I understand that it is my continuing responsibility to inform One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co of any previous medical conditions, dietary restrictions, or injuries prior to my attendance or participation. I also understand that it is my continuing responsibility to continue to inform the above parties of any changes to my health or medical condition.
8. I also understand that except for a monetary refund of program fees, I have no claims against One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co or their agents, tenants, landlords, managers, employees, or host site, by reason of their refusal to allow me to participate in the Programs.
9. I, my heirs or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co or the Landlord of any premises at which it may operate, for any injury, condition, or death which arises, is caused by or is aggravated by reason of my participation in the Programs.
10. If I indicated that I would like to receive emails from One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co about upcoming offerings and events on the first page of this form, I give each respective party permission to add my email address to their email mailing list so that I may receive periodic updates on classes and events. I understand that I may unsubscribe from the email list at any time. I also understand that even if I didn’t opt into receiving such notification, I understand that the above parties may still send me emails including important information about the Programs, such as class cancellations. One with All, Yoga Love of Honeoye Falls, and Earth Hands Co will never share, distribute or sell my email address or contact information to any third party.
I understand that by withholding information or providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my health and the health of those around me. I have read the above document thoroughly and understand the legal significance of signing this document.
I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.